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Re: Yikes. When fashion can really make a statement [PrinceMax]
PrinceMax wrote:
So making fun of Michelle Obama's weight is out of bounds. Making fun of Donald Trump's weight is acceptable. Got it.

He put it in bounds when he tried to have the White House physician and former candidate for the VA Secretary tell us that he weighs 199 pounds. They then came out with a number of 239 pounds, just low enough to be below the weight in which his BMI that would be considered obese.

Your inability to discern the difference between the two situations and the context of them, leads me to believe that no matter what facts are presented to you, you will remain faithful to Trump.

I still don't have people who currently support Trump figured out, but willful ignorance and flexible morality seem to be key components.

Suffer Well.
Last edited by: jmh: Jun 22, 18 9:47

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  • Post edited by jmh (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 22, 18 9:39
  • Post edited by jmh (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 22, 18 9:47