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Re: Am I dumb if I DON'T buy it? [rmt]
rmt wrote:
I think you're (deliberately?) missing the point Monty is making. You swim 7 seconds per slower over the first 400m and you've just missed the back of the gp that now swims 2 minutes faster than you would have done if you had been drafting them. Is that significant to you? Maybe not, and that's cool. If you're racing mid pack, who cares if you were more comfortable, but some people may care that the sleeved suit will be faster, albeit possibly not by much.

Sorry wasn't deliberately being obtuse! I get what he's saying. I just don't feel there's a huge gulf in difference between the two.

I'm a FOP swimmer. I find any sprinting action is over past 200m, people settle in. There have been a couple of occasions where I haven't gone out as fast and missed the boat. More to do with me not being switched on, rather than lack of speed. 7s over 400m, we're talking less than 2s/100m. My next IM in December I would possibly/probably wear my sleeved Vengnance. I did an OD recently and was at the front, which I thought I would be (no good swimmers) so wore my sleeved. Cairns 70.3 2 weeks ago, was choppy as shit and I wore my sleeveless. I find it better in shitty conditions. Also you watch some poorer swimmers, especially the overweight ones and they look so heavily restricted in their sleeved wetsuits and they have crazy slow stroke rates. I would have thought sleeveless would benefit them more. A buoyant, sleeveless wetsuit.
Last edited by: zedzded: Jun 21, 18 20:45

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  • Post edited by zedzded (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 21, 18 20:45