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Re: Registering for a Half IM [tigerchik]

With strengths in running, swimming, and a running related injury, you are in a prime position to work on your biking. I think you will be surprised at how quickly cycling fitness comes if you are already fit. Plus, it is a lot of fun.

You should post what your previous cycling results have been (speed/distance) and how many hours/week you plan to devote to cycling and I would bet you would get some great suggestions for workouts. If I were you, I would keep the running to a minimum while recovering from the injury and spend the time cycling.

I did the Mooseman last year, and have heard people say the course was very hilly, but I didn't think it was that bad at all. As others have mentioned, Keith and his gang do a fantastic job of running these events. My wife watched the race and her reaction was "I'm doing it next year..." The hill mentioned earlier in the thread is steep, but not that long and there was a person dressed as a devil jumping around giving you encouragement. What else do you need?


PS Maybe a marathon isn't the best first event coming off a sfx? Not much time before you have to start running a lot for a marathon in May. If you started biking/swimming a bunch right now, you could do Mooseman Olympic and then Timberman 1/2. Just my .02
Last edited by: kdw: Dec 24, 05 8:51

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  • Post edited by kdw (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 24, 05 8:51