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Re: Doug Ford is Ontario's new Premier [BLeP]
I could say the same for Harris.

What exactly did Rae do that was so bad? Rae days vs all of harris’ layoffs?

You seem to be just saying a mantra. I would love to understand exactly what Rae did that was so much more offensive than any other pc or lib government?

That is my challenge to ndp haters - actually analyze your visceral reaction against them.

It just seems to be taken as mfact that the ndp is the devil.

I get it, I work on Bay Street, I get hit with every form of new tax, I hear every entrepreneur complain about minimum wage, I understand why people wanted “change” but I just can’t understand the blind hate for the ndp. I don’t mind informed hate, it is uninformed hate I question.

This is a somewhat partisan article, but it shows the double standard that I think is very destructive to Ontario politics.
Last edited by: The Guardian: Jun 8, 18 10:36

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  • Post edited by The Guardian (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 8, 18 10:07
  • Post edited by The Guardian (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 8, 18 10:36