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Re: Party Affiliation [trail]
trail wrote:
No, I'm not a fan of playing games like that. Stick with your ideology, thick or thin.

Roger that. I'm a lower case "l" libertarian. I have strong feelings on economic issues and think that social issues aren't the government's business. Since the Dems and GOP have the same big spending economic playbook and would use the government to shove their social worldview down everyone's throats, I dislike them both.

I am a tenacious and stubborn mofo. I will happily tilt at windmills and fall on the sword of principle all day long. I'll be goddamned if I'm going to align myself with the Dems or GOP because of some transient issue.

Here in GA, when you vote you're "GOP", "Dem" or "other". We had local elections a couple days ago. I got the "non-partisan" voting card and ended up with a darn short ballet. If Rand Paul were from GA, then maybe I could be a GOP type.


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Last edited by: RangerGress: May 24, 18 12:35

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  • Post edited by RangerGress (Dawson Saddle) on May 24, 18 12:35