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Re: Power Meter Debate [Babybull63]
I've been recommending Powertap P1 pedals for 3 years now. I've finally changed my tune. I'm on my third one after the first two had to be warranty replaced. My brother just had his die the same way my other two did. One will just stop waking up. Saris customer support has always been top notch but they are getting more and more stringent about providing RMA numbers. I've come to the conclusion that every set will die sooner rather than later. When they inevitably do, you'll get to spend a week or two trying to figure out how you're going to train without the pedals you're used to and their proprietary cleats. They also have an incredible knack for knowing when race day is and choosing that to be the day they croak.

I'm not recommending the Vectors (because I don't have experience with them), but I'm definitely not recommending the P1 anymore.
Last edited by: jazzymusicman: Mar 20, 18 12:36

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  • Post edited by jazzymusicman (Lightning Ridge) on Mar 20, 18 12:34
  • Post edited by jazzymusicman (Lightning Ridge) on Mar 20, 18 12:36