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Re: Best place to train in the winter? [mickison]
mickison wrote:
pretty big cost of living difference between arizona and california though. what's the snake situation for trail running in tucson? Or just in general. not a big fan of running across too many snakes. I like the idea of a cycling friendly, warm, low humidity, plenty of mountains, with a low cost of living.

in the summer you will almost certainly see them if you run trails in the morning (or ride); snake season is something like april or may through september/october I think. just have to be aware. i am extremely afraid of snakes and they really gross me out, but in the encounters I've had I've never been overly worried for my safety.

and to answer your (way) earlier question about how hot it gets in the summer: hot. It's different than humid hot. I grew up in New Orleans and lived my life in the southeast (VA, NC, LA) so I'm used to humid, hot weather (nothing is like New Orleans in the summer. Nothing.) and the dry heat was a bit of a welcome change but you really can't work out when it's over 100+ unless it's very short. It's genuinely not that safe.
Last edited by: jkhayc: Mar 7, 18 8:03

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  • Post edited by jkhayc (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 7, 18 8:01
  • Post edited by jkhayc (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 7, 18 8:03