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Tibial stress fracture
Fellow Ironpeople, I would appreciate hearing thoughts on my tibial stress fracture. I am a 60-year-old lifelong recreational athlete who has maintained fitness since teenage years with a lot of cycling, along with weights and similar activity. I got into triathlon at age 47, and I finished Ironman 5 times from 2006 to 2010, although never faster than 15 hours. I have stuck with the tri way of life since then, and raced Oly distance at least once per year. I have been doing a minimum of 3.5 hours of cycling per week over recent years – 60, 60, 90. After a summer break, I got back into it last September, October, and November, with regular cycling and a gradual buildup along those lines. I was planning on a gradual return to running in the new year. On Thanksgiving Saturday, I cycled hard for 90 minutes, having done the two 60’s earlier in the week, with a lot of standing in spin class. Things were great. Then, on Thanksgiving Sunday, I came down with severe shin pain, which was aggravated by weight bearing. I treated it as shin splints – rest, ice, compress, elevate. After 3 weeks, December 18th, I got a diagnosis – tibial stress fracture, largely on the basis of localized pain and edema – and a recommendation to rest and take calcium supplements. The ortho said after three good days, I should cycle at 50% for a half hour, and go from there. I thought that the previous three days weren’t too bad, so I cycled for the 1st time in three weeks that day, at 65% of the watts that I would normally be at, and doing so was perfectly fine for 15 minutes and 3 seconds. Then, I experienced abrupt tingling pain in my shin, and I stopped. After 7 weeks off since then, with no exercise except weights 2 or 3 times per week, I tried cycling at 60% for 10 minutes twice in a week in early February, but I felt that I was aggravating the injury. So here I am, 14 weeks after the injury, taking calcium and vitamins D, K, and K2, and feeling like I am not fully healed, although I do feel like I have been walking normally the last couple of weeks. I am hesitant to risk re-injury. I now realize I had the same injury twice before, in about 2008 and 2011, due to downhill running after not training downhill, but those injuries cleared up in 2 weeks or so. Does anyone have thoughts to share? Thanks
Last edited by: lharveyt: Mar 4, 18 16:32

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  • Post edited by lharveyt (Big Pines) on Mar 4, 18 16:32