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Has anyone followed the "Be IronFit" Don Fink's Competitive Training Program?
The title says it all. It is a 30-week program to train for an ironman. I have always been like a "mileage junkie" as he described it in the book, but I am worried about switching to a time-based training and heart-rate based training. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in this training program. What was your expectation when you followed it, and what was the result in the end? Did you improve? Did you feel like you were well prepared? This will be my first ironman and I want to do well. I want to do it within 12 hours but training by time seems... counter-intuitive for me... Has anyone tried the "Your Best Triathlon" by Joe Friel's training plan as well? How does that compare with Don Fink's?
Last edited by: Tri_ing_it_out: Dec 21, 17 22:13

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