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Re: Age grouper? Pro? new class all together? [Track-Cat Kelly]
Track-Cat Kelly wrote:

The only reason it makes sense to take that elite card would be if one is massively intrinsically motivated with extremely thick skin, is comfortable with being alone, is very confident and wants to race at the highest level solely to find their true capability.

Or to get into sold-out races at the last minute, get a better bike rack spot, get a cleaner, mass swim start, and to get to use those stupid "pro only" crappers in the transition area. Only half-kidding. I really needed to take a whiz and they literally had staffers protecting their plastic pee-castles from us lower echelon scum. Like our pee isn't good enough!? Outrage! (shakes fist)

I love being alone on the race course. The only thing I don't like about races is the crowding that leads to crashing and drafting. Put me in a no-man's land? How fast can you sign me up?

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Last edited by: ZenTriBrett: Apr 25, 17 14:33

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  • Post edited by ZenTriBrett (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 25, 17 14:33