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Re: Poll "Tri Bike Brand" [trail]
You might be on to something. You could write the "Moneyball" of sports marketing. Although I'm sure marketing is already full of analytics

Part of the analytics are right there in that poll. Yes, it's just a snap-shot - but it's saying right now, how many people have been influenced by what brands!

Some interesting observations:

That Cervelo is #1 is of no surprise. But they are not crushing it!

Another really interesting one is Canyon - a bike that's not even available in North America yet! (Don't know exactly where voters are from, but I know the vast majority of people on Slowtwitch are North American based)

Someone had previously mentioned Orbea and TriRig - and surprised at their lack of popularity. TriRig for one, get's chatted up here on the forum regularly. We don't know who is voting - regular forum participants, lurkers or others. TriRig SEEMS popular on the forum, but try the "Put 100 triathletes in a room" random test on TriRig next time you are in a big crowd of triathletes? Nothing against TriRig - but even here on Slowtwitch in a supposedly warm and friendly environment for them - there numbers are "low".

Felt and Trek do well because they have good product, "presence", and good distribution. Some times the good old fashioned basics work!

Surprised that Specialized numbers are not higher - sometimes being a "bigger" brand is not helpful in niche markets.

Dimond for a newer company, that sells a small number of bikes direct, has done "well".

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Mar 21, 17 11:30

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 21, 17 11:30