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Re: Strange swim time leads to winning AG World Championship? ITU Long Distance Worlds 2016 [AlphaQ]
AlphaQ wrote:
Titanflexr wrote:
At 70.3 Lanz '15 she swam 26:18 (one lap course), while Swallow swam 23:52; so she has some fish cred, just not beat-the-top-pros fish cred.

My first thought is that there is some sort of timing/wave error that needs to be corrected (ex. her time is 10min. fast).

Good find. I wonder if you're correct on the wave error? Sneaky start in the female wave before your wave trick... Wonder if there's competitor photos / video of them exiting the water to check the color of her cap? (Assuming they did different colored caps this year)

In London 2013 Grand Final she swam 10:40 for 750m, one of the faster swims of the day among age groupers.

In Edmonton's Aquathon she swam 10:44 for 750m (wetsuit), also towards the faster end of AG times, but slower than the elites

And she swam a 19:44 in the Edmonton triathlon in 2014, also one of the faster swim times.

So she has some decent swim times. BUT, it is highly suspect that no other AGer swam under 1:20 at Oklahoma while she posted a 55 min swim. Can't see how that's possible that she swam over 25 minutes faster than any other female AGer.

ETA: comparing her OKL swim time to the other fastest in her AG...
2nd fastest was Pamela Meyer who swam 28 minutes slower. In Weihai 2014 Meyer swam 58:01, the fastest in her AG by over 2 minutes.
Last edited by: Kay Serrar: Oct 27, 16 5:19

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  • Post edited by Kay Serrar (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 27, 16 5:19