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Re: First Look: The New Dimondback Andean Bike! [jeffp]
jeffp wrote:
if you drop your chain on that puppy(for whatever reason) good luck getting it out with the shielded chainring :)

That's actually a semi-legitimate concern. I'm sure a K-edge chain catcher would be a very smart idea if running a 2x to prevent a chainsuck.

I run a K-Edge and tune my front derailleur (conventional shift Ultegra) as needed. Froome's bike has two separate custom 3D printed chain catchers. The weight to piece-of-mind ratio there seems good.

Madison photographer Timothy Hughes | Instagram
Last edited by: Timtek: Sep 15, 16 7:36

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  • Post edited by Timtek (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 15, 16 7:36