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Re: You idot MOP people dont get it do you? [tim-mech]
Unless you are a pro, or have raced at the elite level, you can't question the strategy or motivation of a pro's decision with any amount of credibility.

Do you need to have been a pro pitcher to recognize a bad pitch or poor pitch selection? Or a pro Offensive coordinator to recognize a bad play call or game plan? Or an ex-pro quarterback to recognize a horrible decision reading the defense that leads to an interception? Or to interpret a player's body language and posture to conclude they've "thrown in the towel"? Seems like most of the strategy/motivation aspects of many pro sports are fairly obvious. Most sports are fairly simple (not to be confused with "easy").

Is the strategy that different between a mega-talented pro going for a 8:05 finish and a talented AG'er going for a 9:30 finish, and a complete average Joe going for a 10:15 finish? Assumming we are all trying for the fastest race possible?

I'm not following that? The strategy in the World Series, College World Series, and High School State Championship are very comparable ... as is the relative experience. The talent's different, but not the strategy. Again, is IM pro racing so different from AG racing in the strategy/motivation department?

Edit: I am asking this question, not to provide myself or anyone else with justification for trashing an athlete. Not my intent at all. When it comes to athletes, I generally have enough respect and admiration to give them the benefit of the doubt. But, I am asking if the strategy/motivation of a pro racing is all that much different from the "not-just-out-there-to-finish" AG'ers?

-- Every morning brings opportunity;
Each evening offers judgement. --
Last edited by: TripleThreat: Nov 5, 05 20:19

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  • Post edited by TripleThreat (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 5, 05 20:19