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Re: Why does the focus always seem to be on the bike, and not the run? [h2ofun]
h2ofun wrote:

You seem to be missing my point. Yes, you can always find super studs. But when you look at results, like from Nationals, one does not just look at the exception person.

And again, who cares what their splits were, how did they finish? The 77 year old probably was the only one.

So, not sure what your point is. Look at the distribution of bike times per AG per event. They ALL are not riding those one persons studly times.

The 61 year old got 8th overall, beating by a few places the 2nd fastest runner :)

Take a look at the numbers you posted from nationals. What I'm seeing there is that the fastest 55-59 and 60-64 were competitive with the 35-39. And the 1st 35-39, at 10 minutes faster than 2nd, appears to be an exception rather than the rule. Based on this particular example, I'm seeing that at a national level you DON'T necessarily slow down on the bike as you get into your 60s.

Looking at the overall podiums of the races I do, I don't see a big discrepancy between bike and run placings, typically the winners have results like 1st bike/1st run, or 3rd bike/1st run, or 1st bike/2nd run. I don't see overall winners with 57th bike/1st run...

"I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10, and I don't know why!"
Last edited by: Warbird: Jul 30, 16 8:17

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  • Post edited by Warbird (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 30, 16 8:17