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Re: Protesters plan on blocking twin cities marathon at mile 25 [Power13]
Power13 wrote:

Have you actually watched the video of Garner's take down? He was engaged verbally with the cops and then BOOM, cop goes and physically takes him down. There was no physical threat from Garner and certainly nothing that warranted the use of lethal force.

Yes, I've watched the video. It's here and you might want to watch it again because the facts do not support your description above.

At 4:30 in the video the cop moves to arrest him, and AFTER the cop draws Garner's hands behind his back (i.e. the process of arresting him had been initiated), Garner resists, saying "don't touch me" and pulls his arms away from the cop behind him.

That is not "BOOM" after a merely a verbal conversation (or no conversation in the case of James Blake - btw, a much better case for BLM). That is RESISTING ARREST. Again, I believe police reforms are warranted, but you - and others - are often choosing poor examples to make the case. We can't even be sure of how good a case Freddy Gray is yet, because the facts are still coming in and trial is yet to take place.
Last edited by: Kay Serrar: Oct 1, 15 10:25

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  • Post edited by Kay Serrar (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 1, 15 10:25