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For College Triathlon
Check out the College Multisport Association website. We have discussion forums, team directory, a monthly newsletter, and are adding new items almost daily. Also have information on the USAT Collegiate National Championship race which is being held on April 24th at Lake Havasu AZ. Feel free to contact myself of Eric with any questions regarding collegiate triathlon.

If you are a member of a collegiate triathlon team already I encourage you to check out the team registration on the CMSA website. Its free and by registering you qualify for discounts and are able to take advantage of some team management tools.

Mark Kargol
President; College Multi-Sport Association
"CMSA- The voice of college multi-sport"

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Last edited by: IsuTriGuy: Nov 25, 03 13:48

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  • Post edited by IsuTriGuy (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 25, 03 13:48