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Re: Andrew Messick maintains his position on IM Talk Podcast. [arby]
It's a hybrid, just like the Kona AG slot system.

Every state + DC gets 2. The remaining 438 are allocated proportionally based on population.

bgoldstein's circular graph hides the fact that it is pretty close to proportional with about 40 of 50 having similar values and just 10 of 50 being outliers and all those outliers being the low population states that are overrepresented with their 2 automatic electoral college votes (analogy: the old AGs that get an automatic 1 slot but which deserve 0 on a pure proportional basis). Put that same data in that circular graph in a standard x-y graph and it is much more obvious that the electoral college allocation is pretty closely aligned with population.

But, let's move back to the real topic at hand.
Last edited by: kny: Apr 30, 15 9:01

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  • Post edited by kny (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 30, 15 9:01