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Re: Death of Long and Low Geometry [Jim@EROsports]
Jim@EROsports wrote:
when you angle the arms up properly, it's almost 10 watts for everyone.


Could you define precisely what you mean by "properly" (in terms of angle and/or anatomical landmarks)?

This was one of the 1st things I tested for myself back when I first started doing a lot of field testing 10+ y ago, and at least for me John Cobb's rule-of-thumb (haha!) for forearm angle proved to hold true (see below - "down" and "up" from that "level" position represent changes of 5-10 deg). (Note that these experiments were performed using a bog-standard spoked rear wheel and my wife's venerable P2T...hence the high baseline CdA.)

Last edited by: Andrew Coggan: Oct 24, 14 8:52

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  • Post edited by Andrew Coggan (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 24, 14 8:52