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Re: Canadian Half Iron Distance Notes: Phillip totally studly, Cosmetic Bulk Guy Faulds saves day for Hottie... [Allan]
Allan -

Thanks for doing the math on that!

As for the bike and Newt's reading, my computer had just over 184, but I figured that was just a malfunction or imperfection. Likely not?

So, take away about 17 minutes on the run and 6 minutes on the bike, and as I live and breathe I'm close to 11:30! I'm still happy with the 11:54, but I'll also quietly recognize the asterisk (at least in my mind, for now) that is next to it!

I saw both you and Dev on the first loop of your run, just south of the Bronson bridge. You were about 150 meters behind him at that point, and you both looked mighty strong; I wasn't sure how it was going to play out at the end....but it was your day to have the kick, eh?
Last edited by: stevebradley: Sep 4, 05 20:25

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  • Post edited by Steve_B (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 4, 05 20:25