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Re: 70.3 Worlds Race Discussion Thread [Francois]
Francois wrote:
Frankly, I doubt he'll get down to the low 22s. He may get to Kienle's level in swimming, but will still have to close 2min or so.
And against guys like Gomez, it'll be virtually impossible. Besides, Frodeno also rode really hard. He said he rode as hard as he
could because he knew Gomez would be unbeatable on the run.

That's probably a realistic expectation. You're right that it's extremely unlikely he'll get to the level of the ITU guys.

Edit: Grammar.
Last edited by: Staz: Sep 7, 14 9:06

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  • Post edited by Staz (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 7, 14 9:06