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Re: Drag/time penalty of Garmin 910 XT during 2.4 mile swim? [ajthomas]
ajthomas wrote:
I think it might cause a eecent amount of drag. I shave my arms and chest and I am a second per 100 faster. Legs are another second. I am doing a set of 100s in a LCM this afternoon, I'll do a little experimenting.

Interesting to see the results. I don't race with it so it's not an issue for me

Other issues will also come into play in OP's race. There may be a drag factor, but if you get a good draft it's negated. And I usually find there is a huge draft factor in most IM swims. But then he has to subtract the second it's going to cost him to change his stroke to look at his time (assuming e only does it once).
Last edited by: ChrisM: Jul 23, 14 11:42

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  • Post edited by ChrisM (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 23, 14 11:42