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Re: Measures of training stress in cyclists - Study [Trev The Rev]
Here's my own mini "case study". So how would the HR vs Power guys each explain this file from my last 70.3 bike leg and run leg? How do I explain what physiologically was happening. MY HR was 10-15bpm higher than I normally see in training at the same pace and lower levels and it took 30 minutes to settle down. Before you just say HRM error... when I've seen an error before, it's usually reading a lot higher than this. If it is error, then how am I supposed to use HR for any type of useful data.

Oh... and it's a Stages PM... so of course my power data is complete crap.

Race simulation Ride (full race kit) 2 weeks earlier


Open 1/2 Mary 3 weeks earlier:

Now a Brick run 1 week later, 2 weeks before the 70.3

Now do you see why I generally believe that using HR for pacing or overall measurement of training stress to be total crap? From the examples above, pace (with elevation) running and power for the bike are far more useful.

TrainingBible Coaching
Last edited by: motoguy128: Jul 11, 14 7:38

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  • Post edited by motoguy128 (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 11, 14 7:38