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Re: Measures of training stress in cyclists - Study [jackmott]
jackmott wrote:
Trev The Rev wrote:

The problem is so many people believe TSS has been scientifically validated and no longer look at heart rate. In my opinion you should look at power and heart rate.

Has anyone validated your power/heart rate metric?

I do a few things with power and heart rate, so do many people who use Dr Coggan's ideas.

I'm more interested in training horses. My daughter is looking at Dr Coggan's ideas with regard to using them for training horses.

I don't see anyone improving on Dr Coggan's ideas with regard to using power in isolation. I just think that more effort should be put into looking at heart rate alongside power.

I do think there are many problems with using power alone to measure training stress. I won't list them all here, but the difference in sustainable power on the flat or track compared to climbing is an example.

Just because I criticise TSS etc does not mean I don't think it is useful or that there is a better way of using power to measure training stress.

But I also think that heart rate is perfectly adequate for measuring training stress, in fact heart rate has some advantages particularly for tri athletes and people who do other sports as well as cycling.

I think it is a mistake to ignore heart rate. If you combine power with heart rate you have more useful data. I don't see it as good science to ignore reliable data.

I was very impressed by Dr Coggan's WKO4 webinars. I'm surprised by how little Dr Coggan's ideas have been picked up on in other sports? Rowing in particular. Also horse racing where pace can now be measured in real time via GPS etc.

Has Dr Coggan looked at horse racing data?
Last edited by: Trev The Rev: Jul 11, 14 2:44

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  • Post edited by Larded Barnett (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 11, 14 2:44