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Re: Religion at Races: Your Thoughts [eaz_b]
To me, it is no more annoying than the national anthem - which is to say I find it quite a nuisance, but recognize that others may feel rather differently. In fact, it is not something that would make me not attend a race, but it may actually factor into religious people's decision as to what race to participate in.

That being said, why do we have to all stand around and listen to a national anthem for every sporting event out there? It feels rather nationalistic. I do find it has its place in international competition (i.e. international soccer games, olympic games, etc), but not in this setting.

In closing: Matthew 6:5
Last edited by: cloesch: May 5, 14 16:56

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  • Post edited by cloesch (Cloudburst Summit) on May 5, 14 16:56