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Re: How was your week? March 25 Edition [tigerchik]
Last week's goals:
- run x 6 w/slightly reduced mileage: FAIL with 5; definitely reduced mileage!
- bike x 3: WIN + 1
- swim x 3: WIN though all short
- core/strength x 4 but nothing heavy: WIN

Holy crap, that Spring Classic race on Sunday was a bloody killer! I'm glad I actually tapered for a few days before it, though I probably shouldn't have done 3hrs of training the day beforehand. I was going to get up and run 30mins beforehand (it didn't start until 11am), but I'm glad I slept in instead as I was completely wiped afterward. Race report here.

This week's goals:
- run x 6
- bike x 4
- swim x 4
- core/strength x 4

Back to it - had an easy day yesterday and didn't lift heavy this morning. Legs aren't really sore but I just feel tired overall - I did spend more than 4hrs on the bike Sunday right around the freezing mark and I hadn't rode more than 1h30m since last October. Hope to be back to full strength for the long weekend!

Jen, you are awesome! Glad to hear the other womens were having better weeks, too.


-mistress k

ill advised racing inc.
Last edited by: mistressk: Mar 26, 13 8:24

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  • Post edited by mistressk (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 26, 13 8:24