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Re: NYT Lance weighing doping admission? [Power13]
Power13 wrote:
ironpsych wrote:
He has been found guilty."

I get what your saying. But there are examples of people being found guilty then "trading" information for commuted/reduced sentences.

As I said, if he coughs up info re: the UCI, I'm all for a change in his sentence. But that is not what some people are suggesting.....they are saying if he comes clean now, he should get 6 months, same as everyone else. Sorry, that ship sailed.

Just confessing to what has already been proven should not change his sentence.

I have heard this a few times and each time I hear this it irks me. I believe it was Lance that influenced the UCI and not the other way around. People are being far too nice to Lance Armstrong when they suggest he was corrupted rather than the one doing the corrupting. While the UCI are presumed guilty of being corrupted, they were not the drug pedallers - Lance was, and he was directing the people around him.

Why the hell it is even thought of to give him a second chance is beyond me. Ask the cyclists and other people which he incorrectly damaged their image whether they had a second chance.

Adrian in Vancouver
Last edited by: AJHull: Jan 6, 13 18:29

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  • Post edited by AJHull (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 6, 13 18:29