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Re: profiling slowtwitchers [luckytotri]
I've not done a triathlon in ages, content to be a Pre-Dawn Patrol runner

Age: 4 dozen + 3 on Halloween
Gender: M
HRS of training: Runningahead says 4-5, but i had to look it up
Job/hours: Finance, Defense Contractor, 40
Favorite: although I'm a runner, I really like a nice long bike ride with D'Wife; running in the mroning keps me Zen and gives me my daily Endorphin fix
For a surfer, my swimming is surprisingly bad, stone-like, in fact. And by "Stone-like," I mean that in a Brian Jones kinda way
Main distance: Half Marathon
Bike: 1989 Puch Pathfinder [$20 flea market buy] with some upgrades
OCD Scale: if you ask my wife? 11; personally, only about 6 or so
Risk Scale: 6 - I'm afraid of heights, bridges & elevators
Food Craving: As the house chef, I pretty much eat what I want, so if I'm "craving" something, I can work it into the menu; now, you consider beer and wings, essential nutrients, right?
Sleep: 6½ish - 7
Intro/Extro: I'll take the spotlight when provoked and will certainly have a good time; it's uncomfortable at first, but once I get warmed up, look out ...
Things I check out: Chix: I like a nice tush; dudes: I'm afraid of guns
Guilty Pleasure:
The people in my cube-land quote me as a reference for all things 80s and a one-hit-wonder encyclopedia; I watch a lot of surf movies on Vimeo
Other: Married with a teenage daughter [as of 11/19 anyway, God help me], Catholic. I'm also a beer geek

"What's your claim?" - Ben Gravy
"Your best work is the work you're excited about" - Rick Rubin
Last edited by: randymar: Oct 27, 12 7:02

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  • Post edited by RandMart (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 27, 12 7:02