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Help with cramping
Folks, I need some help with cramping. I'm not really sure what to think on why this is occuring, but I have some thoughts and am hoping for a little feedback.

Here are the stats:
Male, 36 years old, 6'2, 195lbs.
ex collegiate swimmer, bike threshold in the range of 305, could most likely do a stand alone half marathon at a 7:00-7:10 pace.

This year I've done 3 half irons, Kansas, Racine, and Vegas. In all three I've had cramping, specifically in my quads and hamstrings. Its always felt the same and hit the same, and even hitting during the same spots on the run. First the quads...then when I am forced to stop and stretch, the hamstrings immediately cramp. Then I'm screwed because I can't stretch either. But here's the odd thing...I've never once cramped in training and have done ride/run combinations that were more challenging than what I did on race day. (except maybe kansas)

I was very stupid on the bike, screwed up my garmin settings, and ended up riding at threshold for the first 10 minutes. faded badly, with an nPower too high. (I can't remember what it was). From a nutrition perspective 2 years prior I had done a few halves and had success with about 600 calories of heed and then water up to about 80oz. Plus random crap at aid stations. (not much of a plan, I know). In any case, I cramped at mile 1 and my race. I pounded salt tabs, seemed to help. The cramps subsided and I was able to finish the race. It was a struggle from there with a 2 our run due to stupid pacing. Conditions were very hot that day.
It was easy to write this off as stupid pacing and poor nutrition.

Paced much better on the bike. average watts was around 240, but it was a struggle. No idea why. But it felt crappy. Started the run and was running really well...but then cramped right at the first aid station. Worked them out a bit and ran again...only to fall apart and die at mile 7. Ended up in medical very light headed after the race. Pounded fluids and felt better after an hour or so.
I had changed my nutrition plan completely. Swapped to gatorade perform, carbo pro, and gu. I ended up with 2 calorie bottles (48oz) that had roughly 450 calories each. 3 scoops gatorade perform ~ 870mg sodium' 420mg potasium. So the total was roughly 1740mg sodium, 840mg potassium, 900 calories. I also had an additional 20-30 oz water on the bike. I took in fluids on the run...but just not sure it was enough as I ended up in medical.

Same basic nutrition with an extra half scoop gatorade in each bottle, plus an added salt stick in one of the bottles. So an extra 450-500mg sodium. I also added a fair amount of additional water to that mixture. Tough to measure off the course, but I had an additional 40-50oz water. so 90-100oz total. I also had 2 similar bottles of gatorade as part of my breakfast. (about 70oz that morning.) I literally pounded gatorade the day/night prior to the race as well.

Anyway, despite really good pacing on the bike I could feel the cramps at mile 1. I kept running and held to mile 3.5 when they hit hard. Unlike previous races they never went away. I took in 2-3 cups perform at each aid station plus salt. No help. In fact, while I muddled through (slowly), I made it to mile 7.5 keeping the cramps at bay at which time a mega side stitch hit. I was screwed. again.

As for pacing...I rode a nice 238 watts. nPower was around 250. well within my ranges. I ran nice and easy. The first mile in vegas was downhill holding a 7:30. Uphill I slowed down to roughly 8:15's. I had my HR on for this race and was higher than I would have liked by a few beats...but given the heat, nothing out on the fringe.

I have not had any issues in training with cramping ever. I've never dealt with cramping in races, ever.

The things that might be different this year. (I was out all of last season due to a hamstring tear).

I am on Lisinopril for blood pressure. (only 5mg). In rare cases this can cause cramping. But I'd think it would happen in training.
My bike fit is much more aggressive than in years past. It leaves me wondering if I am too far forward/backward and putting pressure on my quads that are in turn leading to the quad cramping. I suspect this only because the cramps are always the same. quads, then hamstrings when I try to stretch.
Nutrition. I think I am taking in enough, but even in Vegas I didn't really have to pee at all in the race and didn't pee until much later that evening.

That's all I have and with the season over I'm not really sure where to start since I have not been able to replicate this in training.

Any suggestions/thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by: BeachboyWI: Sep 11, 12 20:17

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  • Post edited by BeachboyWI (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 11, 12 20:17