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Re: Menopause in athletes - what do we need to know? [mdiane630]
I'm 53 and very interested in this topic and the issues listed. I do think training helps my symptoms. I find I sleep best when I've had some long workouts during the day. Short workouts don't always help. Some times it's hard to start a workout because of these issues; but once I do the workout, I feel much better and can cope.

Note: The anxiety issue is the hardest for me. Why do we have this issue?

Lately, I've noticed other women who are my age and some of them just seem to be getting by with no excitement in their lives. I think tri training gives me a lift. Overall, I think this is an important topic. We do seem to be ignored by the medical community.

Even my Gyn would rather care for her younger and pregnant patients. I've had pain in my right lower side and had a sonogram, but my Gyn said my intestines were blocking her view and that she couldn't see anything. My Gyn said come back in a few months. I still have pain/discomfort.
Last edited by: TriBeer: Aug 6, 12 15:59

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  • Post edited by TriBeer (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 6, 12 15:59