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Re: Can my coworker run 3/4 mile at ~8:30 pace? [randymar]
My first x-country race in high school was only after about 3 weeks of run training ever. I was excited and nervous and took off with the gun with the rest of the crowd. Ran a 5:45 for the first mile. Finished the race around 25 or so but my first mile was bad azz, right? Never underestimate the power of adrenalin and competitiveness.

Yeah, my bet? ....... Dude is gonna smoke you ......

Rick, "Retired" hobbyist athlete
Trying to come back slowly from acute A-Fib
Last edited by: Daremo: Jun 6, 12 8:00

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  • Post edited by Daremo (Dawson Saddle) on Jun 6, 12 8:00