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Re: Zabriskie "dominates" on the P5 (pic) [Physiojoe925]
Physiojoe925 wrote:
styrrell wrote:
I'm still gonna guess that Mavic didn't put nearly as much effort into the shape as Zipp does.

Why do you guess that? I'm not a huge Mavic fan, but they are giant company compared to Zipp, and have produced many many innovative products over the years. Some big hits and some big misses.

Not just my opinion, I will loosely quote a high-ranking Mavic person from the last year or two (source unknown):

"Mavic puts above all important on weight, then considers factors such as rolling resistance and aerodynamics"

Now, I'm sure Vaughters slapped some sense into them, but Zipp, Hed etc has put aerodynamics #1 for the past 15 ish years, sounds like Mavic is just now getting their act together.


How positive are we that it's not in fact a Zipp w/ Mavic decals on it? I know pro cyclists do that sort of stuff all the time to run what they think is fastest while still trying to please sponsors.

Without a better close-up pic, the first one from the front looks more like a legit Mavic, but that second side shot makes it look like an alu brake track (Mavic) at a glance except the pads appear to line up below that so I'm thinking the silvery strip is actually the tire sidewall and it's an all-carbon rim (Zipp?); otherwise if that's really the rim itself then the height of the tire sidewall looks too short.
Last edited by: OneGoodLeg: May 18, 12 12:46

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  • Post edited by OneGoodLeg (Dawson Saddle) on May 18, 12 12:45
  • Post edited by OneGoodLeg (Dawson Saddle) on May 18, 12 12:45
  • Post edited by OneGoodLeg (Dawson Saddle) on May 18, 12 12:46