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Re: This is the April Swim Thread [SH]
I don't think it matters too much that you are not doing 10k a day, remember it is all relative. When you were doing that, you probably felt the same after as you do now doing 4k. It was just that you were adapted to higher mileage, so your body handled it. I know it is the case for me, 4k now trashes me like 12k used to, so i figure i need the same type of taper. In all the years i have swam and known swimmers, i have never encountered someone who rested too much, but many who rested too little. tons of guys that screwed their big meet being too tired, then went to some podunk meet a week or two later and crushed their A races times. So i always error on the side of more rest, even though my brain says use the time to get in last minute training!

It was 98 degrees here today, and the pool was 85+. Early summer i guess, triple figures for the weekend.

Broken 1650 (8x200@2;50/50@40) 21;06(2;42/37/35/35/33/32/30/29/:33 for last 50)
3x200IM kick@4;00- 3;42/3;35/3;30
17x100pull@1;20- 1;15/1;14's
4000SCY in 59 minutes
Last edited by: monty: Apr 18, 12 20:19

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  • Post edited by monty (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 18, 12 20:19