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Re: Mixed Wetsuit and Wetsuit Mass Start: Please post your experiences [japarker24]
Yes while you are right in that it's a time trial start, but it's also basically the participants have the "choice" of how much time they lose on the clock (so if you dont care, you dont get in line early), whereas at IM LP with the proposed wave starts, it's either/or. Get 17 hours or lose 30 mins with wetsuit. Not sure how that will go well with potential customers. (Notice how IM Lou doesnt sell out very quickly vs other IM's).

AT IMLP, the guy who wants 17 hours can get 17 hours at IM Lou by getting 1st in line. Whereas here in LP, if they do the wave start, he wont get 17 hours.

Now I think this is a non-issue for ST people (or atlest those people wont admit it in this community setting). I just think if WTC's "goal" is to worry about maximizing profits, I dont see how they would do that with implementing an wave start that had a built in penalty (especially if alot of WTC's money is from the "1st" timers).

Last edited by: brooks@AllOut: Jul 26, 11 6:10

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  • Post edited by BDoughtie (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 26, 11 6:10