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Re: running question for guys... [Race13]
I wear basic, *cheap* poly wicking boxers. (they are the snug style, like jammers) I have 'em from numerous manufacturers, and they all work fine down to the high single digits F. (I haven't been a glutton for punishment to run outside in any colder weather than that. Yet.)

Running pants are sweet Nike dryfit ones the Mrs got me for Xmas this year, and they totally rock, so much better than tights. Not too warm, not too cool.

Never had a problem w/ Mister Johnson getting nippy. Disclaimer is that I also don't do mega-mileage runs this time of year (or ever, really), so I'm only out there for mebbe 45 mins max. Usually, if anything, it's my toes or nose or fingers that get cold, not Mister Happy and the Twins.

float , hammer , and jog

Last edited by: Murphy'sLaw: Feb 2, 05 11:18

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  • Post edited by Murphy'sLaw (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 2, 05 11:18