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Re: a little OT: my little sister is a machine [freestyle]
Swimming. Builds a huge aerobic base. Gymnastics builds strength, power, agility, but it also is the source of a lot of injuries.

Tennis? She's almost too old. j/k If you really think she's got awesome hand-eye coordination, lightning fast reflexes, and sprint speed, then she would need pro training one on one a few days per week and group training a few days. (I played college tennis.) But, tennis is extremely competitive and the girls are huge. Have you seen Sharapova or the Williams' sisters?


"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ~Anne Frank
Last edited by: Robert: Jan 22, 05 4:57

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  • Post edited by Robert (Dawson Saddle) on Jan 22, 05 4:57