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Re: What is Great About Seattle? [TheMonkey]
I'm not going to attempt to post anything as objective as the other reviews - this is purely subjective and rather limited at that.

I lived in the UK, Singapore, Boca Raton Forida (hated it), Hanover NH (loved it), Sydney Australia and Auckland NZ before moving to Seattle in 2003.

It's one of those cities that I immediately got on with - just the right balance of 'city' vs. plantlife. It's casual and laid back in the coffee shops but wifi is everywhere and there's some serious coding going on at some of those desks. It rains, a lot, but being from England I can't say it's any worse, but the summers are gorgeous, the surrounding areas are fantastic for all the hiking and sports but what's noticeable is that a high proportion of the city actually get out there and enjoy it, rather than leaving the adventures to the hardcore few.

Best thing? The community/neighbourhood feel. With the employers of the area pulling from all over the planet there's a diverse group of people that have all self-selected to be here - my wife (and baby) slotted in quickly and it's definitely an environment that meshes families with the single crew. Seattle has great scenery and outdoors potential, but it's the people that make it special.

As for the commutes etc, I set an office up in downtown and we're living in Greenlake. Home to work is 15 mins - I wouldn't think of crossing the bridge from Seattle to Bellevue though...but that's just me.

Summary - like it a lot. Would like the sun a bit more...but I'm just being a wimp there and should get out and run regardless. Seattle's like San Fran without the pretence, focus on money, and fog, but with extra rain and more trees.

If you're coming over - let me know and we'll point you in the right directions. I'll take you out to www.zokacoffee.com - the best coffee on the planet. Seriously!

fyi - I do like Portland, OR and Bend's becoming quite the place to be, but Seattle's cool.


blue seventy / nuun / digitaltriathlon.com
Last edited by: Tim M: Jan 20, 05 20:37

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  • Post edited by Tim M (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 20, 05 20:37