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Re: The Giant OCR2 is back on the block. [Mr. Tibbs]
I’m an absolute newbie in triathlon, but I have always lived a very active lifestyle, and I tried many different sports since early childhood. I played soccer, competed in martial arts, raced mountain bikes, and I most recently got hooked on road riding. All of my idols possessed super human traits. Pele, Diego Maradona, Bruce Lee and Eddy Merckx had a few things in common; they were (are) worshipped for being stronger, faster and more talented than any of their competitors in the same era.

A few weeks ago, however, everything changed for me, and I no longer dream about beating my own peers. It happened instantaneously as I watched an Ironman video at my friend’s house. Suddenly, I realized why I love sports so much, and what makes me feel good about myself. It’s not about crushing opponents in a race or looking fit on my bike. It became so clear through a single person who couldn’t even finish the 2002 event in Kona. It was Marc Herremans that made it so clear: most athletes live to race, but triathletes race to live.

I learned so much about the special way of life in martial arts in the past, but I could never connect with the concept before seeing Marc on that DVD.
Last edited by: karesz: Jan 14, 05 14:04

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  • Post edited by karesz (Cloudburst Summit) on Jan 14, 05 14:04