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Re: "Dead Miles" ok when you can't race till next year? [johnschubert]
Couple things I forgot to reply to:

I'm in Kabul right now, and so I think the altitude training will help (since it was mentioned). We are at almost a mile high (.97 miles), and so I should do much better at home (sea level). I travel around quite a bit (Masir E Sharif, Herat, Khandahar, and Bagram).

The 2 on, 1 off was just something that "felt right" in terms of recovery time. I would run 3 miles the 1st day, 5 miles the second. I would take a day off and then run 7-8 miles, followed by a 3 mile run. I would take a day off, and then do a 5 and 7. So I was always varying the run right after a rest day. There's no good explanation, just seemed to fit my "motivation/energy" cycles. If I tried to vary it, sometimes it worked and sometimes not.

One night, I had a dream about running, and then actually had the idea firmly planted in my mind, "Today is going to be a great day to run." I had a great run. A few days later, I tried to use this positive thinking, and my energy reserves just weren't there. It didn't feel good, I was tired, etc, and so I made it a 5 mile day.

*EDIT: Thanks for the 50 mile tip. The highest I got to was a 35 mile week. I did the hard brick I mentioned above, and my IT Band wasn't happy, and so that's when I started thinking, "Is it smart for me to be pushing this hard now, if I'm not racing until next year?" My IT band has since been just fine and not hurt or been sore. I think I just hit it with too many new things (new shoes, harder brick, also started doing the run at an incline, and a couple other things I"m forgetting) all at once. I pulled back a bit and all is well. OK, except my Plantar Fasciitis. Although, it's manageable. It barely hurts and never affects (knock on wood) my training.
Last edited by: johnschubert: Jul 13, 10 22:28

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  • Post edited by johnschubert (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 13, 10 22:28