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Re: Shopping in SanDiego area [Bavarian_Frank]

To shop for bike gear in Cali as a european is like throwing money out of the window. Maybe you can buy some "souvenirs", but I would not do any serious shopping over here (unless you absolutely can't get the item in Europe and are dying to have it at all cost). Even with the strong Euro you will be disappointed. You will still pay more than back home. (e.g. Look Keo pedals: $ 200.- (at best). I have seen them for E 110.- over here). Gels and bars are best bought on sale at markets or drug stores or even better: online.

I am currently stockpiling bike parts for my next season. Well, I have some "Euro-Income" to spend....Hope customs will not ask too many questions ("Sir, you are not telling me that these 3 wheelsets are for your personal use?").


(BOMK, racing drug and supplement free since 1985)
Last edited by: adrialin: Jan 5, 05 15:20

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  • Post edited by adrialin (Lightning Ridge) on Jan 5, 05 15:20