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Re: De Soto Water Rover-not at Calif 70.3? [Al P Duez]
You're not going to continue your
"rigorous investigation." You will
publicly state that there is no
Rule. Or -- imagine,
the rest of your life with your
scrotum flapping empty.

(mouth taped)
... no... please, no...

We'll send one to Competitor Magazine
and one to the Triathlete.
Press release style. Your nuts will
be bicoastal. Understood? The
people you're after are everyone you
depend on.

EMILIO (cont)
We do your laundry, cook your food
and serve you dinner. We guard you
while you sleep. We drive your
ambulances. Do not f**k with us.

persequetur vestra metas furiose
Last edited by: E_moto: Feb 9, 10 17:04

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by E_Moto (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 9, 10 17:04