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Re: Cleat pushed back/midfoot position observations after 10 weeks [Swifty]
As far as exhausting a traditional cleat fit goes, I had a FIST/Dartfishl fit done last summer and had LeMond wedges under my Look cleats. It was the worst my stroke had ever felt. Was comfortable on the bars with my upper body, but I started to develop problems with my Achilles. This is what led me to look into cleat position since the fitter changed where I had been for 20+ years so drastically. When I told him I felt like I had lost power he said I needed to re-learn how to pedal and had my cleat pushed all the way forward as far as it would go.

Looked into Friel. For what it's worth my position is nowhere near as far back as Friel suggests. I am in line with Steve Hogg who advocates a more happy medium between Friel and traditional.
Last edited by: slowerthanslow: Dec 21, 09 5:08

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  • Post edited by SasquatchoSlav (Cloudburst Summit) on Dec 21, 09 5:08