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Re: Trainer vs. Road Riding -- The REAL Reason it's Harder/Different? [Aztec]
Hi Aztec,
You've received some good advice and comments already. If you want to read some of the studies, google on "Inertial Load cycling" or some variation thereof and you should find some reports.

It IS a real effect - one of the biggest being that peak torque (or simply force) is higher for the same power with a higher inertial load. Inertial loading on the road varies greatly - perhaps 10:1 or even greater IIRC.

The Cycleops has a fairly steep resistance curve - I have one and definitely noticed that. I found it great for simulating hil-climbing (low inertial load case) but not for 'regular' riding. As the curve isn't adjustable - thus allowing you to use a lower resistance setting and higher gear --- I think you're stuck re road feel. Or just pretend you're climbing a decent grade and the Cycleops should feel fine!

For 2-5min intervals and a decent rest interval, cooling shouldn't be an issue if you have a fan pointing at you. I find I get too cold during say 5x5min/5RI and sometimes turn the fan away during the RI. Now for 2x20 or 1x40 or 1x90 tempo --- I find I can't sustain quite as much indoors - say 3-5% lower. And I attribute that simply to inadequate cooling.

There's no magic though - ultimately watts are watts and you have to achieve the same level indoors to have the same training effect.

Last edited by: rmur: Nov 27, 04 16:25

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  • Post edited by rmur (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 27, 04 15:19
  • Post edited by rmur (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 27, 04 16:25