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Re: The Official Ask Me Any Questions About IMC Thread [CamDukio]
Secondly - Why do you think pacing from the front is always easier?

Jordan I am sure will have his ideas. As a weak swimmer strong cyclist/runner, when I was racing seriously in any length of triathlon it was all about chasing. Chasing hard until you started to get close to the front. Then when you got in front, and you were actually in first place, there was always this huge load that was lifted from your shoulders. Suddenly, you could perhaps ease off on the gas-pedal a bit. However, once one mental load was lifted, another was about to start - now you had the pressure of trying to stay in the lead to the finish!!

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Aug 31, 09 9:24

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Aug 31, 09 9:24