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Re: Cabinet shuffle [slowguy]
OK, just messing with you.

What do you think about Guiliani as Homeland Security chief?

(from BBC):

What might Bush's new cabinet look like?
Bush did not replace a single cabinet member in his first termFollowing his convincing re-election, President George W Bush is now thinking about the shape of his second administration. Familiar faces are likely to go - and who replaces them will give a strong clue as to the course Mr Bush intends to chart for the next four years.

The following are key posts and people to watch in the coming weeks.

SECRETARY OF STATE Colin Powell is not expected to stay on long in the second Bush administration.

One of the most popular figures in the administration internationally and among Americans, he is not seen as influential within the White House itself - right-wingers such as Vice-President Dick Cheney and Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz have tended to win the president's ear when Mr Powell advocates a more moderate line.

Mr Powell's deputy Richard Armitage - a close personal friend - is unlikely to remain in his position if Mr Powell leaves.

John Danforth, who recently became US ambassador to the United Nations, is seen as a strong candidate to replace Mr Powell.

SECRETARY OF DEFENCE Many Washington insiders speculate that Donald Rumsfeld will lose his job when Mr Bush reshuffles his cabinet.

Getting rid of the plain-spoken defence secretary could help Mr Bush distance himself from the abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq - and from the military setbacks the US has suffered during the occupation of the country.

Mr Bush could cite his defence chief's age - at 72, Mr Rumsfeld is the oldest defence secretary in history - as an excuse for removing him.

But Mr Rumsfeld is a hardened Washington fighter and may retain his position for some time.

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice is seen as the most likely candidate to replace him - making her both the first woman and the first African-American secretary of defense.

Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz - the intellectual architect of the Iraq war - could then become national security adviser.

Mr Wolfowitz is not considered a frontrunner for defence secretary - a position he was considered for in 2000 - because he is not seen as a strong manager.

ATTORNEY GENERAL John Ashcroft, the country's top law-enforcement officer, may leave his post following an operation earlier in the year.

He has been a hero to conservatives and a hate figure to liberals, so all eyes will be on Mr Bush's choice of replacement for him at the Department of Justice.

Mr Ashcroft's former second-in-command, Larry Thompson, is seen as a possible successor. Mr Thompson would be the first African-American attorney general.

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is considered another possible choice - and one who is widely assumed to be considering a run for president in 2008.

SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY Tom Ridge is thought to be considering leaving the administration for a private sector job - but there is speculation that he could be induced to stay in government if he is promoted to a position such as defence secretary.

If Mr Ridge does leave the Department of Homeland Security, Mr Giuliani could well be offered the job.

Last edited by: jhc: Nov 7, 04 17:37

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  • Post edited by jhc (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 7, 04 17:37