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Re: (some) Cops are not your friends [GregX]
Good to see stuff like this get published.

In this war, we have to fight hard with all of the tools that we have available. In the vehicle code, there are so many laws and rules; that a motorist just turning on their engine, or a cyclist climbing aboard a pedaling device is breaking any number of laws/rules.

One of the things that we have to start doing is learning position techniques to force motorized traffic to obey the law. Of course this causes great anger, - but we have to do our part as well. One of things that I see most frequently is cyclists NOT taking up the whole lane when it is unsafe for a motorist to pass. This causes motorists to try to pass all cyclists whenever; and it is quite a dangerous precedent. As a Randonneur, and one who routinely does 24, 30, 40 hour rides, - I've seen a lot of bad, goofy, and downright unsafe behavior out there.

Apologies in advance if this is a rant or unrelated: but too often, - it's a point of frustration to see the police defending the motorist instead of the cyclist who is obeying the law.
Last edited by: Toenail: Apr 24, 09 9:29

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  • Post edited by Toenail (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 24, 09 9:29