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Re: M.Dot 70.3 vs independant half [thierry64]
Keep in mind that in many cases, WTC isn't actually putting on the 70.3. It's an RD like you that has licensed the branding from WTC. Longhorn was a standalone event before Endorfun Sports licensed the branding. New Orleans is put on by Premier Event Management. Calgary is done by Rocky Mountain Triathlon. There are other examples (BSLT). In these cases, the branding increases the RD's cost and doesn't bring a whole lot other than the permission to call the event an Ironman 70.3.

It's not the logo that makes the race, it's the RD. Go to any of EndorFun's other events and you'll find the same caliber event as the branded half at Longhorn (I use them as an example because of personal experience with Keith and his group). So it's not WTC that has raised the bar, it's the RDs themselves.

Oh, and the branding doesn't guarantee anything. Look at the fiasco at NO with the race running out of water, Gatorade, and ice on both the bike AND run courses. Just like USAT sanctioning, I don't believe WTC branding imposes any kind of quality control over the race.
Last edited by: dgunthert: Apr 15, 09 11:46

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  • Post edited by dgunthert (Lightning Ridge) on Apr 15, 09 11:44
  • Post edited by dgunthert (Lightning Ridge) on Apr 15, 09 11:46