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Been there.

I always tell her that she should not feel bad about herself, that if she is doing a good job sticking to her program, that she should be proud of that, that if she stays with it, her program will work, that what anyone happens to weigh when they step on the scale is maybe good to +/- 2lbs (at best) so she probably did lose two or three pounds of fat this week (and probably lost the same amount last week) but that the scale just doesn't show it very well.

This never works but at least its all true.


Anyone who tells you they're as fast now as they were when they were 18...
sure wasn't very fast when they were 18.
Last edited by: Rich: Jul 14, 04 18:04

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  • Post edited by Rich (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 14, 04 18:04