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Re: Hold on thar Baba Louie... [MattinSF]
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
- - And in this case, the comparison is apt. Leni and Michael putting together bullshit to further a deceitful cause. Again, you can't answer.

"There is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made in a thread the thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress."
- - There is a far older tradition that whoever walks away forfeits. So far you haven't even tried to defend any of the bull you posted. Your trailing on points by all three judges.

"This debate is officially over and you lost."
- - Interesting psuedo-logic. "I can't compete, so I'll declare myself the winner." I know a lot of losers who would love to use it.

Again, not even an attempt by you to substantiate your wild and wooly claims.

Cousin Elwood - Team Over-the-hill Racing
Brought to you by the good folks at Metamucil and Geritol...
Last edited by: Cousin Elwood: Jul 2, 04 15:23

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  • Post edited by Cousin Elwood (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 2, 04 15:23