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Re: Lemond drops bomb on Landis hearing [gffcom]
Regarding the Lemond 1989 TT. As someone else stated it was slightly downhill, point to point and with the wind. It may also speak to the fact that the refinements in bike technology and training equipment and toys, of which you speak, really are just that - minor refinements. Lemond had all the essentials on that day and had the ultimate motivation - the will to win! I will note that, that same year both Mark Allan and Dave Scott came close to breaking 8:00 at IMH. If you looked at their equipment, and how they trained you would probably laugh, but they still recorded times that even some of the very best Long course athletes in the world, with supposedly superior equipment, training tools and toys at their disposal have never achieved at IMH.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: May 18, 07 6:48

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on May 18, 07 6:48